Persiguiendo el objetivo principal del grupo de trabajo Architecture and Children de la UIA, a finales del mes de octubre empezaremos a impartir el programa Arquitectura en la Escuela en tres centros educativos de nuestra ciudad. Los colegios Pedro Poveda, Llaüt y Aixa se convertirán en pioneros de esta experiencia, que pretende introducir el medio ambiente construido como enseñanza transversal, contribuyendo al aprendizaje del resto de materias curriculares.
El programa, en el que participarán un total de 730 alumnos de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria, tratará temas relacionados con la ciudad, la vivienda, la gestión urbana, el medio ambiente, la estética y la percepción, entre otros, y se convertirá en el hilo conductor de un proyecto conjunto que optará a los Golden Cube Awards 2014.
Desde Arquitectives, solo nos queda transmitiros nuestra ilusión por esta nueva aventura… Y seguir trabajando en el desarrollo de sus contenidos sobre el que, por supuesto, os informaremos periódicamente.
Architecture at school. An educational programmFollowing the scope of the working practice: Architecture and Children by the UIA we are about to start the program Architecture at School at the end of October in three Educational Centres of our Town. The Schools Pedro Poveda, Llaüt and Aixa will be the Innovators in this experience which is about to introduce to the pupils on the Construction issue as a complement subject for the rest of the knowledge of the children.
Architecture at school. An educational programm
Following the scope of the working practice: Architecture and Children by the UIA we are about to start the program Architecture at School at the end of October in three Educational Centres of our Town. The Schools Pedro Poveda, Llaüt and Aixa will be the Innovators in this experience which is about to introduce to the pupils on the Construction issue as a complement subject for the rest of the knowledge of the children.
There will be 730 nursery, primary and secondary school students which will take part of this event. The Program will be about different issues related with the city, housing, urban management, Aesthetics and Perception among others. It will become the main link of a joint Project that it will aim for the Golden Cube Awards 2014.
Arquitectives want to show up our encouragement and excitement on this new adventure, and we will keep working on the development of new contents and you will get further information about them.